Grade 3 Mathematics
In Grade 3 Mathematics, our students will continue their primary math journey by learning about even larger numbers, the four operations, patterns, and money found in the wider world, such as the ocean, grocery stores and markets, garden centres, and the zoo. They will also learn about practical skills such as measuring length, mass, and capacity, and understanding maps. Their coding skills will build, build, build as they gain an understanding of repeated instructions and loops. This course is designed to be 200-300 instructional hours.
Curriculum Information: Mathematics (2020)
Developed by: D2L
Development Date: 2020
Please note that elementary courses do not have prerequisites, and Ontario schools do not issue transcript credits at the elementary level. All courses are available in the facilitated and independent pathways.
In the Counting unit, students will initially explore reading and writing numbers up to 100 before practicing skip counting by 50s, 100s, and 200s. They will practice representing, comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 and develop an understanding of the relationships among the numbers 1, 10, 100, and 1000. Students will explore the place values of four-digit numbers and practice composing and decomposing three-digit numbers using a variety of different tools and strategies. Lastly, students will learn how to round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten using a variety of different tools.
Addition and Subtraction
In the Addition and Subtraction unit, students will become familiar with solving addition and subtraction problems with two- and three-digit numbers through modelling, exploration, and the use of different tools and strategies. They will explore the relationships between addition and subtraction using fact families and problems that require finding the missing number in an equation. They will also use estimation to explore plausible answers to addition and subtraction problems.
In the Patterning unit, students will identify, describe, create, and extend repeating patterns that involve shapes and numbers. They will also create number patterns with addition and explore different characteristics of simple geometric patterns.
In the Data unit, students will begin by sorting data and objects according to certain properties. They will then practice collecting, organizing, and displaying data according to different recording, and graphing techniques. They will practice reading data in charts, tables, and different kinds of graphs. They will be introduced to means and modes in data sets and will practice using data to answer questions. Probability experiments will be conducted in order to further data collection and recording skills and to practice making predictions.
Fractions Multiplication and Division
In the Fractions Multiplication and Division unit, students will begin by dividing whole objects, or groups of objects into equal parts. Using a variety of different tools, students will explore equivalent fractions. Students will spend most of the unit exploring multiplying and dividing numbers from 1 to 10. They will use a variety of different manipulatives, tools, patterns, rules, and strategies to help solve real-world multiplication and division problems.
In the Shapes unit, students will identify, describe, sort, and compare different polygons, prisms, and pyramids. They will build and describe the properties of various 2D and 3D shapes before exploring movement through flips, turns, slides, and congruency.
In the Coding unit, students will begin coding by exploring sequential and concurrent events. Next, they will create a code using repeating events. Lastly, they will focus on debugging code.
In the Money unit, students will begin by familiarizing themselves with different values of coins and bills. They extend their practice with money by estimating, counting, and showing different values using coins and bills. In order to demonstrate an understanding of equivalency, students will use a variety of combinations of coins and bills interchangeably to compose specific dollar amounts. They will also practice adding and subtracting dollar amounts in a variety of real-world contexts.
In the Measurement unit, students will explore measurements of length, height, distance, perimeter, area, mass, and capacity according to a variety of different units and real-world contextual situations. They will draw and record different measures and select appropriate units in order to describe or communicate different measures. They will estimate, order, and compare different objects based on properties related to measurement.
Socio-Emotional Learning
Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to build their social-emotional learning skills by focusing specifically on real-world problems and solutions that different individuals might encounter. They will practice different ways of exploring problems in order to find solutions that best suit their level of understanding and come to recognize that different people may arrive at solutions by using a variety of unique tools and strategies.
This course is entirely online and does not require nor rely on any textbook. Students will require the following resources:
- A scanner, smartphone camera, or similar device to digitize handwritten or hand-drawn work
- A device to record audio
- A printer
- A physical binder, folder, or notebook for offline activities
- Various household items to complete offline activities
- Counters
- A calculator
- A thermometer
- Crayons or coloured markers
- Dice, scissors, paper clips, straws, glue, play dough, ruler
- A right-angled tool
- Coins and bills
- Various household items to complete offline activities
Through a balance of problem-solving and direct instruction, students develop a strong foundation of mathematical processes, knowledge, and skills to apply in real-world contexts. The course engages multiple learning styles by combining technology and offline activities that provide opportunities to develop an understanding of skills and concepts in interactive and concrete ways. The lessons feature a variety of intriguing storylines, videos, graphics, and interactive games to reinforce students’ learning. The activities also build a foundation of mathematical models and strategies that students will use throughout their elementary grades.
The course relies on the assistance of a learning coach who supports young students as they move through the content. The learning coach will be involved in facilitating technical aspects of the course and in participating in discussion-based activities to assist students in developing communication skills.
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