Personal and Physical Safety
In the Personal and Physical Safety unit, students will learn about how to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations. They will explore procedures designed to keep themselves safe, signs and symptoms of common injuries and illnesses, and protocols to follow in the event of an emergency. They will also develop skills to assess personal, social, and community situations and determine their safety for themselves and others. Further, students will discuss different types of violence that people experience and supports that have been put in place to help these individuals.
Physical Health and Fitness
In the Physical Health and Fitness unit, students will explore their own personal fitness, including their level of flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance. These tests will help them to identify areas where they can improve their fitness, and they will learn how to develop and adapt a fitness plan to do so. Additionally, students will build an understanding of health-related fitness and skill-related fitness and participate in activities designed to improve both of these elements.
Activities and Games
In the Activities and Games unit, students will participate in a variety of individual and group activities. They will learn about and apply different skills and strategies to each type of game—from track and field, golf, and dance to wall ball, baseball, and soccer. Further, students will explore how these skills and strategies can be transferable from one type of activity to another. This will help them to apply their strengths in an activity they enjoy to another that they may find more difficult.
Healthy Eating, Substance Use, and Related Behaviours
In the Healthy Eating, Substance Use, and Related Behaviours unit, students will learn about the risks of using substances such as cannabis and alcohol, as well as the danger of addiction to these substances and other behaviours like technology use. They will explore how they can make healthy decisions about substance use and eating, and participate in a self-evaluation of their current eating habits. This will help them to identify areas where they may be able to improve. Finally, students will explore how they can promote healthy eating habits at home and in their community to support their own well-being as well as that of others.
Human Development and Mental Health
In the Human Development and Mental Health unit, students will discuss the concepts of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation and identify ways that they can develop a positive self-concept. They will learn about intimacy and relationships, as well as important decisions that they will have to make in relationships including topics such as abstinence, contraception, and consent. They will explore factors that may contribute to their choice to participate or refrain from sexual activity, as well as risks involved. Additionally, they will describe healthy habits that support their mental health and practice ways to combat stigma surrounding mental health.