Representing Numbers
In the Representing Numbers unit, students learn how to represent large and small numbers including using scientific notation. Students also learn how to describe, compare, and order rational and irrational numbers.
In the Geometry unit, students solve problems involving area, perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and angles. Students are introduced to the Pythagorean Theory as a way to find missing side lengths of right triangles. Students develop their understanding about scale drawings, transformations of shapes, and tessellation. Students also learn about large and small units of measurement.
In the Operations unit, students solve single-step, multi-step, and multi-operation problems involving rational numbers and percentages, and extend their knowledge to multiply and divide integers. Student develop mental math strategies to divide whole numbers and decimal numbers by powers of ten. In addition, students explore square numbers and square roots.
In the Fractions unit, students extend their learning to add, subtract, divide, and multiply fractions and mixed numbers.
Proportional Reasoning
In the Proportional Reasoning unit, students solve single-step, multi-step, and multi-operation problems involving fractions, decimal numbers, ratios, rates, and percentages.
In the Data unit, students extend their knowledge to represent, analyse, and describe relationships about data. Students also develop their understanding of probability.
Patterning and Algebra
In the Patterning and Algebra unit, students learn to determine the general term of a pattern using algebraic expression, create their own patterns, and describe them in different ways. Student solve algebraic equations in different ways and learn about inequalities represented with algebra.
In the Coding unit, students learn to read, create, alter, and debug code that involves data analysis and use that analysis to inform decisions.
In the Measurement unit, students solve problems involving perimeter, circumference, area, surface area, and volume of 2D and 3D shapes.
Financial Literacy
In the Financial Literacy unit, students learn how to create and maintain a balanced budget to reach a financial goal. In addition, they analyse simple and compound interest, credit cards, and reward programs that give them the best value for their money.
Socio-Emotional Learning
Throughout the course, students build their social emotional learning skills by specifically focusing on relationships with others, using math to communicate and tell a story, and understanding the perspectives of others. This increases their understanding of common bonds with peers and their appreciation of the uniqueness of other people.