Introducing The Hearty Homeschooler

Welcome to The Hearty Homeschooler, a blog about online elementary home learning hosted by Virtual Elementary School (VES).

Our passion is online home learning. We have been helping homeschoolers since 2012, and we are thrilled to see increasingly more home educators embracing online learning. The Hearty Homeschooler springboards from our experience as leaders in online elementary learning, and from our mission to nurture and inspire independent, lifelong learners.

Online learning is not for everyone—it’s for anyone. People tend to choose VES to complement an existing home learning program, to accommodate a student who is unable to attend classes in a physical classroom, or to supplement a student’s classroom learning. We have launched The Hearty Homeschooler to share the advantages of online learning by providing resources, tools, strategies, and approaches that support a wide variety of teaching methods and styles.

As passionate as we are about online learning, we are equally passionate about balancing online and offline activity. Be prepared for content that focuses on the mind and the body, including strategies for building offline activity into your home learning practices.

By sharing relevant and practical content, we aim to create an inclusive space in which home learning families of diverse backgrounds can commune and connect, share successes and challenges, and collectively explore how online learning can enhance and enrich home learning.

We invite and encourage you to join the conversation in the comments section. Because our community thrives on shared experiences and expertise, open and constructive conversation is highly valued by us at VES as we work with you to produce the best in home learning.

If you have any questions, or if there are any topics you would like to see addressed on the blog, please reach out to our editor, Andy McGuire, at

Thank you for visiting The Hearty Homeschooler. We look forward to your readership and thoughtful engagement.

Published On: August 21, 2019